If you’re into transportation, now’s the time to engage, and the TransportationCampPGH unconference November 14 is the place to do it. COVID-19 and reinvigorated racial justice movements have disrupted the transportation status quo, forever changing the sector. Recent technology advances present an opportunity to improve mobility more immediately than has ever been possible, but resilient public transit and walkable communities are vital if new modes are to be equitable. We know that you have thoughts about this, how transportation can be better, and TransportationCampPGH is your place to bring them. All possibilities about the future of mobility are up for grabs, and your ideas - big and small - will power the conversation. Come share with like-minded, leading thinkers and doers who are revolutionizing the transportation field here in Western PA. Who knows? Maybe you’ll even find some new friends to move your idea forward. 

Where do I sign up?

Register and learn more at tcamppgh2020.eventbrite.com.

What is an unconference?

An unconference is really a people-powered event. You come up with the session topics. We then group them together and determine the sessions based on all the inputs. Then, we post them with links to virtual rooms, and people join the ones that interest them the most.

How prepared do I need to be?

As much as you want, but not very! Each session is a conversation, not talking heads. Sessions range from informal discussions to full-blown presentations.  It’s really up to you.


  • 9:30 AM — Opening remarks, tech orientation, and kickoff!
  • 10:00 AM – 10:50 AM — Session 1
  • 11:00 AM – 11:50 AM — Session 2
  • 12:00 PM – 12:50 PM — Lunch break and tentative plenary
  • 1:00 PM – 1:50 PM — Session 3
  • 2:00 PM – 2:50 PM — BONUS!!! Session 4
  • 3:00 PM — Closing remarks (earlier if not enough sessions for Round 4)

TCampPGH 2020 Host Committee:

  • Ashley Cox, evolveEA Architecture::Planning
  • Courtney Ehrlichman, Ehrlichman Group
  • Zaheen Hussein, Carnegie Mellon
  • Chris Jaros, Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission
  • Stephanie Kambic, Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission
  • Breen Masciotra, Port Authority of Allegheny County
  • Peter Quintanilla, Michael Baker International
  • Chris Sandvig, Pittsburgh Community Reinvestment Group
  • Josh Spano, Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission

Follow @TranspoCampPGH. For more information about TransportationCampPGH 2020, contact csandvig@pcrg.org.